20 October, 2005

God bless animals

tonight i went to k-pub again to buy some architectural books i needed. and if you wanna find a meaning for bookworm, it's just me!
on the way to k-pub,OH you have no idea, day after day it's becoming harder to pass through streets. boys are really getting aliens! i just can't understand why they're so savage. i always think God bless animals when i see the boys wondering in streets with their disgusting lusty dirty looks. well, i'm not the riligious type, but i always care about the cloth i wear. and except my hair that they'been the same since i was 10, i always wear long cloth, mostly dark, and very ordinary black pants. and all in all i'm the ordinary type. i mean i never show off with my cloth. but the boys have no sympathy. they look, the dirtiest looks, and they might even open they're mouth too say something. the point is i donno why i never hear what they say. i'm lucky i guess! it's even hard to wait for the taxies, for there stand any type of car in frontta you honking! and if you suggest i must just challenge them with words, i must inform you that i'm the timid type. it's even becoming my nightmare that i might get so angry to punch them in their faces and then they'll chase me all the way home and in some good sitiuation they'll kidnapp me!!!!
i think i must start driving for the God's sake!!!
that's how things go on in Iran. or i'd better say in holy Mashhad. streets are blowing of high population. wonderers are everywhere. parks, streets, passages. the funny thing is the parks of course. when ever i go there for running everyone consider my running as some fasion show!!!!!!! for this reason i've given up running in the parks. God knows nothing could make me happy like running could.

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